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Impact Certificates

Investing That Makes an Impact

Invest your financial resources for a competitive return while also advancing the gospel. Learn more about our Impact Certificates for investing that makes a Kingdom impact.

Already have an account?

Competitive Rates and a Gospel Impact

Choose from two Impact Certificate options: Timed Certificates and Demand Certificates. When you choose Demand Certificates, you are given the flexibility to withdraw your funds on demand. However, with Time Certificates, interest rates are locked in over a fixed period. 

Timed Certificates

Minimum deposit and balance of $1,000

Payable at maturity

Fixed interest rate

Interest paid monthly, quarterly, semiannually, annually or on demand.

Automatic renewal at maturity

Early redemption penalty

Quarterly statements

Current Rates








< $100,000

4.00% APR

4.25% APR

3.40% APR

3.50% APR

3.60% APR

3.70% APR


4.10% APR

4.35% APR

3.50% APR

3.60% APR

3.70% APR

3.80% APR

as of February 1, 2025

Impact Certificates


  • It is an investment account available to residents in North Carolina who are members of a North Carolina Baptist congregation or organizations headquartered in North Carolina who are affiliated with the Baptist denomination.

  • We offer two types of Impact Certificates. The first type is Demand Certificates. The rates on the Demand Certificate are variable and funds are available for withdrawal at any time. 


    We also offer Timed Certificates with terms of 6 months to 60 months. The rates on the timed certificates are fixed during the term. Your participation by investing in an Impact Certificate assures the availability of funds that will be loaned out to churches in need of financing for their expansion projects.

  • Neither of our Impact Certificate types is insured. Anyone interested in investing in an Impact Certificate must read the Offering Circular before investing. For more information related to how we mitigate risk, please contact us.

  • An application for investment can be found on the exhibits page of the Offering Circular. Upon completing the application, attach your check for the initial investment and mail it to Provision Financial Services, 201 Convention Drive Cary, NC 27511-4257. You can also contact us, and we will connect you with an Area Manager.

  • Redemption will be determined by the term of the investment. You can contact us to redeem your certificates when they mature.

  • For Demand Certificates, there is no penalty. For Timed Certificates, there may be a penalty of up to six months of interest. 

*This is not an offer to sell Impact Certificates to you and we are not soliciting you to buy Impact Certificates. We only offer Impact Certificates to clients in North Carolina. Impact Certificates are offered only by the Offering Circular. You may contact us at (800) 521-7334 if you have any questions or you can refer to our FAQ. 

Additional Resources

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